Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Great Escape

Complicated Circumstances is always been a part of Life. I realized as we getting older, the more challenges, pressure, and responsibilities we get. Sometimes I just wish to be a kid, nothing to think about, nothing to worry about, And all i gotta do is to play and have fun. But I know there will always be a kid in me. One day, Someone asked me to go somewhere and He asked me where do i wanna go? and i said, "we're going to a place where we can escape reality" so we hit the road, early in the morning and we decided to go somewhere. With all problems and stressful stuff left behind, we didn’t hesitate to do something stupid, something random, and something that no one ever did before. As the sun shines, there’s a light that captured our eyes and felt the heat on our skins, telling us that there is no reason to give up on everything and face the truth, the truth that we’re just a human who’s always have an imperfections. But that day, we felt like superhumans, we made our own rules and own plans. It felt like we made our own world, our own perfect world for one day.

As we’re spending a perfect day, in our perfect world, “there will always be something that will stop you from getting what you wanted.” The car that we’re riding on was suddenly can’t back up. One of the tires was stucked to the soft sand. Frustation never came to my thoughts, and I won’t ever let that situation ruined our day. So we settled it in a positive way, Instead of getting intimidated and worry how we gonna go home, we just took some polaroid pictures on the car and did something crazy about it.

Then there’s a vehicle stopped by and I saw a sign on the car that says “Airport”. An old man came down and offered us for help. He didn’t looked like the man who’s willing to help but I guess my first impression is wrong, he stood up and lead us what we gonna do to the car, so he came up to a plan that he gonna pull the car with a cord. We didn’t have the cord and neither that man have it. We thought that it was the end of us and I started to think of other options like calling a towing truck to pull out that stucked car but the helpful man told us that he will just comeback to his house to get us a cord that we can use to pull the car. So we waited, and suddenly I felt relieved. He pulled the car successfully but there’s still one more problem,we can’t untie the cord then he told us to follow him through his house to cut the cord. I never thought that there’s still has a “good samaritan” in this world.

And then it came out to the time that we have to leave our what so called “perfect world” and go back to reality. I am really happy that we had that trip and at least for one day we proved to ourselves that there’s still hope on every bad things that happening to us. I learned so much that day. I learned to “Live my Life with No Regrets”. And that day will always gonna be a part of my memory.

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