Thursday, December 24, 2009

12 more hours and it's Christmas day! don't forget that we celebrate the christmas day because it's the birthday of Jesus christ not just a gift giving day and etc. Merry Christmas to everyone!

Friday, December 18, 2009

In Return

So, I stopped using this blogsite for a while... actually it's been 7 months since the last time I posted a blog. I just think posting a blog is lame and I felt like I'm just trying to catch somebody's attention. Then I just realized that Posting a Blog is a new way to Express Myself and How I Feel about Anything in my everyday life. It's 5:54 am and still I can't sleep... There's always a time that I just don't feel like sleeping and everytime I'm like this, I always think about there's someone think of me too and I keep guessing who's that person until I get tired of thinking and just go to sleep. There's just One Question that popped out on my mind right now... It's "Why is it everytime I gained something or someone, I Gained a lot, but when I Lose something or someone, I Lose everthing?" I just felt like I'm a Boring type of person and until now, I'm still trying to figure out where, how, and which part of me is BOOOOORING! I always trying to Improve myself and Change some things but one thing i realized, maybe that's what's wrong with me... I'm not Being Me, I'm Being Someone Else.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


It's the most memorable birthday party i ever had.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I'm starting to accept everything that I expecting to happen is just make believe.

"What Goes Around Comes Around"

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I'm being torn between the people who make me happy and the people who made me happy. I hate to choose because I want them both in my life.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


There's some things that we can't just take back anymore. Like Trust, Trust is easy to gain but hard to re-gain. It will take time to have that Trust back. But that is when CHANGE comes in. When some things or someone Changed, Expect that all the things and the people around have Changed too.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Well, The Economy is Fucked Up and it's like we got nothing to do about it but to just work harder. A lot of Companies are laying off some people in order to survive. Others are cutting off their work hours just to keep their employees. Last Week, I heard an Alarming News in the Company where I work at, and they said that they gonna have that "Early Retirement" for those people who's 60 years of age or older, and working with the company for 10 years and up. It's pretty much getting rid of the older people who work there because of the benefits that the company offered to the employees so they can save up some money. I really feel sorry for them, but that's the way it is. This is just an example of an company trying to survive in this crisis. This is really hard that i have to be "Money-Wise" in order to have some money in the future. Now, I realized that I have to save up some money because we really don't know what's gonna happen next...

I have to go on with the flow and work harder in order to survive.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fooled

Today is The April Fool's Day, and until now I still feel that I'm such a Fool. I keep on Guessing the Questions that still never been Answered, Holding on something that I'm not really sure if it is right decision or not. I'm really getting tired of being this.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Have you realize once in your life that you really want something but as you struggling to get it, the more far it takes to get that something you wanted? That the reason you "Think" will make you happy can make you hurt the most? It's really hard to deal to these kind of situations because it really feels like fate is fooling on us. These kind of neediness is really hard to control and make us more greedy that sometimes we forget our family, our friends, and even we forgot who we are just to have that thing or that person who we think it will make us happy. But we don't know that there's a lot of people around us who's ready to fill that emptiness inside us but we're just ignoring them. This kind of thing needs to stop and the only way we could stop this is to be content on what we have. God has a plan for everything... That is why he still can't give the things that we wanted for now, Or maybe he will not grant our wish because he got another plan for us and that is much more better than the things that we wanted.

But me? I am ready for everything. I'm ready to be hurt & always ready to be loved because it really makes me feel that I'm a Human.

We're all like Birds, We're Free to Fly wherever direction we wanted and I know I'm in the right direction because I'm Flying with my Family, Friends & My Master, who feeds me & directs me which way to go when I am Lost and Hungry.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Great Escape

Complicated Circumstances is always been a part of Life. I realized as we getting older, the more challenges, pressure, and responsibilities we get. Sometimes I just wish to be a kid, nothing to think about, nothing to worry about, And all i gotta do is to play and have fun. But I know there will always be a kid in me. One day, Someone asked me to go somewhere and He asked me where do i wanna go? and i said, "we're going to a place where we can escape reality" so we hit the road, early in the morning and we decided to go somewhere. With all problems and stressful stuff left behind, we didn’t hesitate to do something stupid, something random, and something that no one ever did before. As the sun shines, there’s a light that captured our eyes and felt the heat on our skins, telling us that there is no reason to give up on everything and face the truth, the truth that we’re just a human who’s always have an imperfections. But that day, we felt like superhumans, we made our own rules and own plans. It felt like we made our own world, our own perfect world for one day.

As we’re spending a perfect day, in our perfect world, “there will always be something that will stop you from getting what you wanted.” The car that we’re riding on was suddenly can’t back up. One of the tires was stucked to the soft sand. Frustation never came to my thoughts, and I won’t ever let that situation ruined our day. So we settled it in a positive way, Instead of getting intimidated and worry how we gonna go home, we just took some polaroid pictures on the car and did something crazy about it.

Then there’s a vehicle stopped by and I saw a sign on the car that says “Airport”. An old man came down and offered us for help. He didn’t looked like the man who’s willing to help but I guess my first impression is wrong, he stood up and lead us what we gonna do to the car, so he came up to a plan that he gonna pull the car with a cord. We didn’t have the cord and neither that man have it. We thought that it was the end of us and I started to think of other options like calling a towing truck to pull out that stucked car but the helpful man told us that he will just comeback to his house to get us a cord that we can use to pull the car. So we waited, and suddenly I felt relieved. He pulled the car successfully but there’s still one more problem,we can’t untie the cord then he told us to follow him through his house to cut the cord. I never thought that there’s still has a “good samaritan” in this world.

And then it came out to the time that we have to leave our what so called “perfect world” and go back to reality. I am really happy that we had that trip and at least for one day we proved to ourselves that there’s still hope on every bad things that happening to us. I learned so much that day. I learned to “Live my Life with No Regrets”. And that day will always gonna be a part of my memory.